The 7th & 8th Grade Environment
Using the tools and the development of the imagination honed the previous levels, students pursue a line up of classical topics in a more traditional classroom setting. They study math, geometry, English (including composition, vocabulary, and literature), science, history, drama, and Latin. They also take a typing course. Monterssori elements persist in this classroom with two afternoons of research and specialty electives, depending on the interest of the students. These electives, called "Guilds," have included calligraphy, drama, music, art, Spanish, and cooking. In the Atrium, the students continue their study of the Plan of God and finding their place in it through scripture study and a study of the Sacraments.
The topics for study in the 7th & 8th Grade classroom are:

Advanced Mathematics
- Arithmetic
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra
- Geometry

Advanced Language Arts
- Composition
- Reading
- Vocabulary
- Logic
- Latin
- Research Skills

Advanced Science
- Botany
- Zoology
- Chemistry
- Physics

- American History
- Early Medieval
- Geography
- Civics

- Art
- Music
- Drama
- Physical Education